![Cesar Javier Zaidman Cesar Javier Zaidman](https://inovineconferences.com/uploads/boardmembers/Cesar_J__Zaidman.jpg)
Cesar Javier Zaidman
Cardiovascular Research and Prevention Center (CIPREC),
Abstract Title: Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction in Medical Consultations: Clinical Care vs Research Protocol Consultations
Dr. Cesar Javier Zaidman is a cardiologist, graduated from UBA in 1987. He completed his specialization in cardiology at the Güemes Sanatorium. He worked in the Favaloro Foundation from 1990 to 2011. Since 2002, he has been involved in Clinical Research Protocols and has been the principal investigator in more than 100 clinical trials, covering different phases of research. He founded CIPREC in 2005, where he continues his work as President. In 2008 he obtained the certification of International Clinical Researcher (CPI), granted by the ACRP.
Research Interest:
1. Hypothesis Participantsinclinicaltrialsreportahigherlevelofsatisfactionwiththeirinvolvementinagivenclinicaltrial comparedtowhentheyattendaclinicalcareconsultation.
2. Objective Toevaluatetheperceivedlevelofsatisfactionamongindividualsattendingahealthconsultation,comparingthose whoattendaclinicalcareconsultationversusthosewhoattendaclinicaltrialvisit.
3. MaterialsandMethods Ananonymousandvoluntarysurveywasconductedwith2,140individualsagedbetween32and83years,who visitedtheresearchcenterbetweenNovember2023andOctober2024.Participantswereaskedabouttheirlevelsof expectation,satisfaction,motivation/compliance,organization,andtheirperceptionofbenefit.Thesurveywas conductedeitherinpersonorthroughdigitalmeans.Ascoringsystemfrom1to4wasestablished.
4. Analysis MeanComparisonTestsTocomparethemeansofsatisfaction,expectation,motivation,andorganizationbetween clinicalcareconsultationsandprotocolconsultations,meancomparisontests,suchastheStudent'st-test,were used. ResultsofMeanComparisonTests Variable ClinicalCareMean ProtocolMean p-value Satisfaction 2.8 3.8 <0.001 Expectation 2.6 3.2 <0.001 Motivation 2.4 3.2 <0.001 Organization 1.9 3.9 <0.001 AnalysisofPerceptionofBenefitToanalyzetheperceptionofbenefit,achi-squaretestwasutilized. ResultsofthePerceptionofBenefitAnalysis PerceptionofBenefit ClinicalCare Protocol IndividualBenefit 1.08 0.6 MixedBenefit 0.4 2.4 CollectiveBenefit 0.2 0.8 1
5. Results The average level of expectations on a scale of 1 to 4 was 2.6 for clinical care consultations and 3.2 for protocol visits. The average level of satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 4 was 2.8 for clinical care and 3.8 for protocol. Regarding motivation, a score of 2.4 was obtained for clinical care and 3.2 for protocol. Organization was better perceived in protocol consultations (3.9) than in clinical care consultations (1.9). Participants in clinical care consultations were closer to an individual benefit perception (1.08), while those in protocol consultations leaned towards a mixed benefit (individual and collective) perception (2.4).
6. Conclusions In summary, the study's results suggest that participants in protocol consultations experience higher satisfaction, expectation, motivation/compliance, and organization compared to participants in clinical care consultations. Furthermore, participants in protocol consultations perceive a greater mixed benefit (individual and collective) than those in clinical care consultations.